  • Cellular Optimization*
  • Energy Enhancement*
  • Healthy Aging*
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Revigorator G4 +
Advanced Senolytic NAD+ Enhancer
Revigorator G4 + Platinum
The Best Revigorator To Date
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USD $225
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Revigorator G4
Meet the most technologically advanced Revigorator yet, built on cutting-edge science.
gen4 single bottle
Reinvigorated Mitochondria Revitalize Cells
Regulating cellular functions and maintaining cellular energy is impossible without healthy mitochondria.
NAD+ powers mitochondria, reinvigorating cells and boosting energy metabolism.
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gen4 platinum+
From $225

Advanced Senolytic NAD+ Enhancer

The reliable health stimulating Revigorator

gen4 single bottle
gen4 single
gen4 platinum+
From $270

The Most Comprehensive Revigorator To Date

Breaking technological boundaries

Revigorator Proprietary Formula
Cellular Optimization
Combat the source of aging with enhanced ingredients that are easily absorbed by cells.
Healthy Aging
Implement integrated and dynamic health conditioning to manage the aging process.
Energy Enhancement
Revamp mitochondrial health and ramp up metabolism to prime levels.
Cellular Health
Achieving healthy aging is possible with enhanced cellular health technologies.
Cellular health inevitably deteriorates with age, and declining NAD+ levels compromise DNA repair and energy metabolism. Thus, conquering these deficits is vital to healthy aging.
NAD+, the molecule at the epicenter of cellular energy metabolism and survival, declines exponentially with age.
A New Way to Look at Aging

Aging is multi-faceted and complex, with strong ties to many harmful health conditions that lower quality of life. For a long time, scientists have attempted to thwart aging by targeting the symptoms of individual conditions rather than targeting the source of these ailments.

Now, the latest advances in aging research suggest that many of these age-related health conditions share overlapping networks, potentially from a common source. With this in mind, the quest for healthy aging now involves targeting the core of these health changes to achieve a better biological future.

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